Our Babysitting Program is a support service offered through Napa Valley Adult Education (NVAE). Child care is provided at no cost to all NVAE students.
Children must be at least 18 months old and developmentally ready to attend.
Our maximum age is 11 years old.
Parents must stay on campus and be able to provide for children’s specific needs (ie. food, toileting, medicine dispensation).
Children must be healthy enough to participate in all of the planned daily activities (indoor and outdoor play). Children showing visible signs of illness will be sent back home for the day.
Our program is required to enforce immunization requirements and maintain a copy of the State of CA issued immunization record. Children will not be admitted into the program without proof of this record per California Health and Safety Code Sections 120325-120375.
NAPA VALLEY ADULT EDUCATION 1600 Lincoln Avenue in Napa, CA (707) 253-3582