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Q: What classes are offered?
A: The classes are:
● Introduction to Computers
● Keyboarding
● Filing
● Resume/Interview
● Google Apps
● Microsoft Word Level 1
● Microsoft Excel Level 1
● Microsoft PowerPoint Level 1
● Microsoft Word Level 2
● Microsoft Excel Level 2
● Microsoft PowerPoint Level 2

Three certificates are offered if you complete certain classes. See the info below:
Office Assistant (OA)                     Executive Assistant (EA)                     Administrative Assistant (AA)
Introduction to Computers             Prerequisite: OA Certificate                  Prerequisite: AA Certificate
Keyboarding                                      MS Excel Level 1                                      MS Word Level 2
Filing                                                   MS PowerPoint Level 1                           MS Excel Level 2
Resume/Interview                            MS PowerPoint Level 2
Google Apps
MS Word Level 1

Q: What will I learn/what will these classes prepare me to do?
A: These classes cover basic to intermediate computer skills and how to use different business software.
They will include general computer information, computer operating systems, the internet, file
management, using calendars and email, drafting correspondence; creating and editing documents,
spreadsheets, slide presentations, maintaining paper and electronic files, and resume
writing/interviewing skills. This will give students the skills to perform computer-based clerical and
administrative tasks.
Q: What are the prerequisites/requirements to take the classes?

A. all Adult Education students must be 18 years or older.
● In order to take the Office Assistant certificate classes:
○ Participants must take and pass the orientation assessment and be able to read and do
math at a 7th grade level or higher.
● In order to take the Administrative Assistant/Executive Assistant classes:
○ Participants must have completed all the classes included in the Office Assistant certificate.
Q: What are the completion requirements for the classes?
A: In order to complete classes, you will need to finish all required assignments with an 80% and
pass the final tests/projects for each class. The keyboarding requirement is a speed of 35 wpm. A
certificate or digital badge will be given to you for each class you complete throughout the program
and a final Office Assistant, Administrative Assistant or Executive Assistant certificate will be
presented when students have passed all of the classes included in each certificate. These can be
used for employment purposes.

Q: What are the computer requirements for this class?
● If students are taking Introduction to Computers, Resume/Interview Skills, or Google Apps, these
classes are on campus and face-to-face and the school computers have everything you need.
● If students are taking Keyboarding or want to work on classwork at home, they will need a
Chromebook or computer/laptop with a Windows 10 or higher operating system.
● If students are taking any of the Microsoft Office application classes (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
remotely or have any independent study work in their class, the following applies:
○ Students will need a computer/laptop with a Windows 10 or higher operating system and
the ability to access the desktop version of MS Word, MS Excel, or MS PowerPoint
respectively. Chromebooks will not work for these classes. It is possible to sign up for
Microsoft 365 for a 30 day free trial and minimal fee for the duration of the classes you
take. Information will be given to you regarding this in class.
● Students will need a reliable Internet connection.

Q: How do I register?
A: You can register in person at 1600 Lincoln Avenue, Napa, online at: or by calling
(707) 253-3594.

Q: When is the class?
A: There are multiple class times.
● There is a morning section that is a 100% Traditional/In-person class. It runs from 9:00 am -
12:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. It meets in Room 1. This semester
the following will be offered:
Introduction to Computers
Resume/Interview Skills
Google Apps
MS Word Level 1
MS Excel Level 1
MS PowerPoint Level 1
● There is an evening section that is 100% Traditional/In-person class. It runs from 6:00 pm -
8:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday. It meets in Room 1. This semester, the following will be
Introduction to Computers
Resume/Interview Skills
Google Apps
MS Word Level 1
● There will also be blended learning classes offered throughout the semester. These classes
will be independent study and have some remote (zoom) classes and office hours to be
announced in class and see lab time below. This semester the following will be offered:
MS Excel Level 1
MS PowerPoint Level 1
MS Word Level 2
MS Excel Level 2
Ms PowerPoint Level 2
● There is also lab-time available for students to work on keyboarding or any class projects or for
students who are taking remote classes to get face-to-face help. This will run from 12:00 pm -
1:00 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Monday and
Wednesday. It meets in Room 1.

Q: Can I start the classes at any point?
A: We highly recommend starting at the beginning of the class list with Introduction to Computers.
However, you may start taking classes whenever they are offered. Please check the catalog or website
for dates. If you enter in the middle of the class list, in order to receive the Office Assistant or other
certificate, you will be required to make up the classes you missed. If you do not make up the classes
you missed, you will receive certificates for the individual classes you did attend.
Q: What payment will you accept for the class?
A: Credit/Debit card is the only form of payment accepted.
Completion of Orientation is required prior to final registration.
All students who register for the Level 1 classes will take an orientation assessment/test. The
assessments will be either sent out virtually via email on a date to be announced or given the first session
of class. This assessment can be taken on a computer, chromebook, tablet or smartphone. Once you have
completed your assessment, we will contact you in 48 hours regarding enrollment. If you do not receive
an email, please contact us in order to arrange for testing.

Q: What do I need to know to enroll in the Level 2 classes?
A: See the information below:
Word Level 2
This class is a Level 2 class. In order to enroll in this class it is required that students will have already
mastered the following skills:
● Create documents
● Format Text using the
MiniToolbar and Ribbon
● Copy, Cut and Paste Text
● Set Document Margins
● Add Bullets and Numbering
● Insert a Graphic
● Apply a Theme
● Find and Replace Text
● Check Spelling and Grammar
● Change Line Spacing and Indents
● Apply Styles
● Add Borders and Shading
● Using the Format Painter
● Insert and Edit a Table
● Insert and Edit Graphics and Pictures
If you have not mastered these skills, we would recommend the Word Level 1 class in order to learn the
foundational skills you will need to complete Word Level 2. If you have mastered these skills, please
continue enrolling in this class.
Excel Level 2
This class is a Level 2 class. In order to enroll in this class it is required that students will have already
mastered the following skills:
● Enter Data
● Enter Formulas and Using
● Edit and Format Worksheets
● Use Conditional Formatting
● Copy Formulas With Relative and
Absolute Cell References
● Insert Functions
● Switch Worksheet Views
● Format Values
● Build Logical Formulas
● Work With Equation Tools
● Control Worksheet Calculations
● Create, Move and Edit A Chart
● Summarize Data With Sparklines.
If you have not mastered these skills, we would recommend the Excel Level 1 class in order to learn the
foundational skills you will need to complete Excel Level 2. If you have mastered these skills, please
continue enrolling in this class.
PowerPoint Level 2
 This class is a Level 2 class. In order to enroll in this class it is required that students will have already
mastered the following skills:
● Enter Slide Text
● Add New Slides
● Format Text
● Use Design Themes
● Compare Presentation Views
● Insert and Edit Pictures and
● Print a Presentation
● Convert Text to SmartArt
● Align and Group Objects
● Add Slide Footers
● Set Slide Transitions and Timings
● Insert and Edit Text Boxes
● Insert and Edit Charts
● Insert Slides from other
● Insert and Format Wordart
● Animate Objects
● Insert and Edit Digital Video
If you have not mastered these skills, we would recommend the PowerPoint Level 1 class in order to learn the
foundational skills you will need to complete PowerPoint Level 2. If you have mastered these skills,
please continue enrolling in this class.