Q: What will I learn in this class?
A: Get certified in NCCER safety training. Learn the causes and results of accidents, the impact of accident
costs, job-site hazards and proper protection, safe work procedures, proper use of personal protective
equipment and how to safely work with hazardous chemicals.
Learn basic math functions such as adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying, whole numbers,
fractions and decimals. Use and read measurement tools, including standard and metric rulers and tape
measures; and decimal-fraction conversions and the metric system using practical examples. Review
basic geometry as applied to common shapes and forms.
You will be introduced to hand tools that are widely used in the construction industry, such as hammers,
saws, levels, pullers and clamps. You will learn applications of each tool and how to use them properly.
You will learn the descriptions of commonly used power tools, such as drills, saws, grinders and sanders;
the application of these tools, proper use, safety and maintenance, and basic terms for construction
drawings, components, and symbols, as well as the different types of drawings.
A: Get certified in NCCER safety training. Learn the causes and results of accidents, the impact of accident
costs, job-site hazards and proper protection, safe work procedures, proper use of personal protective
equipment and how to safely work with hazardous chemicals.
Learn basic math functions such as adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying, whole numbers,
fractions and decimals. Use and read measurement tools, including standard and metric rulers and tape
measures; and decimal-fraction conversions and the metric system using practical examples. Review
basic geometry as applied to common shapes and forms.
You will be introduced to hand tools that are widely used in the construction industry, such as hammers,
saws, levels, pullers and clamps. You will learn applications of each tool and how to use them properly.
You will learn the descriptions of commonly used power tools, such as drills, saws, grinders and sanders;
the application of these tools, proper use, safety and maintenance, and basic terms for construction
drawings, components, and symbols, as well as the different types of drawings.
Q: What does this class prepare me to do?
A: Students will learn the essential knowledge and skills that are needed to work in an entry level
construction job. Students will learn the importance of developing a culture of safety in the workplace.
Once you complete the program, we can help you transition to: College, Training programs, and Work
Q: When are classes offered?
A: Please refer to the NVAE website for updated information
Q: Where is the class?
A: Napa (TBD), for updated information call (707) 253-3594.
A: Napa (TBD), for updated information call (707) 253-3594.
Q: How do I register?
A: You can register for our orientation online at or in our office at 1600 Lincoln Avenue,
Napa. During orientation, you will receive class information, complete a math test and learn the next
Q: How much does it cost?
A: The program fee is $195.